October 23, 2022


Passage: Genesis 40

One might wonder what sheaves, heavenly bodies, grapes, cake baskets, cattle, and grain have in common in the life of Joseph. The answer is that all of these were the subject of dreams he encountered either by revelation or interpretation. We learn in Genesis chapter 41:1 that Joseph’s troubles would continue for another 2 years, however, the events of chapter 40 would prove to be a turning point, hence their documentation in our text today. The Reformation Study Bible summarizes the significance of Joseph's life and ministry in its commentary on chapter 40 as follows: “God exalted faithful Joseph over all Egypt by giving him supernatural wisdom, the ability to interpret dreams, and skill in political economy and statesmanship. Joseph prefigured Moses at the founding of Israel, and Daniel at the end of Israel's monarchy. All three were oppressed captives who came to power in a hostile land by pitting God's wisdom against the wise of this world, displaying the superiority of God's wisdom and His rule over the Nations. They prefigure Jesus Christ, the incarnate Wisdom of God, who was raised from the dead to rule the world.” Chapter 40 features details reinforcing the calling and testimony of Joseph. This would-be prince can rely on the supernatural intervention of Yahweh alone. Not even the cupbearer who's dream as interpreted by Joseph came true, remembers to put in a good word for Joseph yet the Lord had not forgotten His servant. Though he remains in prison, God is speaking to and through His servant as a prophet to king's officials.