November 6, 2022

A CALL TO ARMS – Jude 1-7

Passage: Jude 1-7

The epistle of Jude contains striking parallels to the 2nd letter of Peter. So much so that most scholars assume these two books shared source material. II Peter chapter two conveys the same concerns as Jude's letter and cites identical references to emphasize the weighty situation facing the early church. The enemies of Christ were active in the 1st century and many yet remain today. The weapons sufficient to oppose them stand ready at hand in the apostolic warnings and instructions of the New Testament. Books like these no doubt inspired the vigilance of the early church witnessed by council and creed. Obedience according to the directions of Jude served to solidify the understanding of scriptural doctrine in spite of the heresies that plagued early Christians. In His providence, God has used His enemies to strengthen the foundations of the true church in every age. In introduction it seems appropriate to reference Jude's closing devotional words. The glorious doxology of verses 24 & 25 serves as a standard to test the philosophies of any age. Let us be vigilant to ask: “Is this proposition sound?”... “How does this claim measure up?”... -or- “Does this idea stand?”... in light of the glory, majesty, dominion, and authority of Jesus Christ.