April 19, 2015

12 Billion Dollar Debt – Matthew 18:21-35

Passage: Matthew 18:21-35
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The fourth discourse in Matthew (Chap 18) could be divided into four sections under adjectives that characterize the members of Christ's church as loyal subjects of the kingdom of God.... His citizens are: Lowly (1-4), Loving (7-14), Lawful (15-20), and Long-suffering (21-35). In the form of a parable – the most attention in this passage is given to the obligation of forgiveness as it relates to the 4th characteristic. Calvin identifies 3 points of great contrast in this parable of the unforgiving servant: “...the master is contrasted with the servant, the large sum of money with small or ordinary sums, and extraordinary kindness with extreme cruelty...” There are 3 basic categories of characters in the story to note as well (35)... 1. The King as the heavenly Father, 2. The servant as professing believers, and 3. The fellow servants as various relationships in the kingdom. A summary of the theme of this portion of discourse 4 could be stated as follows: A chief hallmark of Christ's church is our identity as the lavishly forgiven and as such, the lavishly forgiving ones.

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