April 26, 2015

1 Man, 1 Woman Under God – Matthew 19:1-12

Passage: Matthew 19:1-12
Service Type:

Matthew Henry died in 1714, but the following words could have been written yesterday... “If we consider what mischiefs to families and states, what confusions and disorders, would follow upon arbitrary divorces, we shall see how much this law of Christ is for our own benefit, and what a friend Christianity is to our secular interests.” There were no bakeries closing down in the 18th century for refusing to cater a so called 'homosexual wedding' ceremony. These was no suffocating welfare state subsidizing a culture of pathological covenant breaking. There were no arrests on the streets of the west for merely quoting the Old Testament scriptures. There was no ACLU campaign to purge court houses and public squares of artifacts memorializing transcendent law. There was no supreme court presuming the authority to define marriage according to the arbitrary whim of the God-mocking state...... So what was the secret of this insight ringing so clear from 200 years ago, and from a Puritan, no less!!? Answer: Henry's thinking was not shaped by the winds of culture, but instead by the timelessly relevant, invariable, immutable, inevitable Word of God such as we find in Matthew 19:1-12

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